As usual Letsbuy will be at last position

As all the gamers out there must have already known that Mass Effect 3 is one of the most explosive title going to be released this year. All gamers who have pre ordered their copies on online retailers are still waiting for their shipments to be delivered.

One of the popular online retailer Flipkart had already changed the status of the game from Pre order to available but another popular retailer Letsbuy still have to make that change. To be on safe side they are mentioning the launch date as 2nd week of march which is just completely ridiculous. Gamers like are waiting for their pre ordered copies eagerly from past few months but still Letsbuy pay no heed them. As you all know that Letsbuy was recently acquired by Flipkart but still their quality is no where near Flipkart.

As usual Flipkart will be always late.


After waiting for 2 weeks for my copy of ME3, i have ultimately cancelled my order. Let’s see when will i get my refund.