BJP.COM acquired by Bhartiya Janta Party of India by filing a UDRP dispute for this domain

BJP.COM acquired by Bhartiya Janta Party of India by filing a UDRP dispute for this domain. BJP is a known political party of India and have the second majority of seats in the Indian parliament. Though this is also true that BJP is not a trademark!

BJP.COM is a 14 year old domain registered in 1997. The political party in question had registered BJP.ORG in 1995.  Both the complainant and respondent are from India.

Here i am discussing the two main points which led this domain to go to the complainant with little or no efort at all.

The first point is that the respondent claimed that he/she had hand registered this particular domain in 1997 for a business purpose but after searching the archives on some of the whois services i have found that this domain had changes hands atleast three times. Now this is the main point which i think the UDRP people must have taken into consideration.

The second pint is that respondent has redirected this domain to the website of the opposition of the political party in question and after this it had become crystal clear that the respondent had registered this domain in bad faith and hence lose the case.

Web.Com adds second registrar to it’s portfolio

As per the press release, Web.Com a privately held web hosting service provider and internet based marketing solution to various businesses acquired Network Solutions (NetSol), one of the world’s first domain registrar for 400 million dollar + stock + debt.

Network Solutions is the world’s first domain registrar. Up till now they are charging a steep fees for the domain registration as compared to other registrars like or Most of the quality names are registered with NetSol as they were the world’s first domain registrar. Though domain investors and normal user hardly buys domain from NetSol due exorbitant prices but they are mostly used by big businesses and corporations who hardly cares about selling or investing in domains and register the same for years to avoid any hassle for renewals.

They also provide web hosting services but they are not at all popular in the web hosting field. They are hardly any competition to other providers like Hostgator or Site5 but people still use them as they are providing free domain if you purchase an annual hosting plan with them.

Web.Com also owns Register.Com which is also popular for exorbitant prices for registering domains and this also proves that we will not witness any change in domain prices at NetSol. May be they increase the price of renewals!

How to separate Sub Domain from Main Domain using .htaccess?

If you are using shared hosting with active sub domains than you must have witnessed this problem of sub directory getting accessed via main domain URL. Now this is one of the biggest problem in shared hosting or i will say in any kind of hosting which uses cpanel.If you are unaware of this problem than let me explain you. Let us take a domain as the main domain and we want to create domain demo.example .com as the sub domain. Creating this sub domain via cPanel results in the formation of directory your public_html  directory. Now you can access your sub domain via the following URL’s:


Here come’s the main problem. This will result in the problem of duplicate content and your site can face Google’s panda update hammer. In order to avoid this we will present before you the solution in the next para.

The solution to this problem lie in editing the .htaccess file located in the main domain folder. Add these lines of code in your.htaccess. I am assuming the domain to be and sub domain to be

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/*)$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ – [L,R=404]


Speak Asia scam busted at last

As per the report from Star News and other different news websites Chief Operating Officer (COO) Tarak Bajpai of ponzi scheme company Speak Asia and three others were nabbed from different locations under the charges of probable multi crore money fraud . Tarak Bajpai, the COO was arrested from Indore and the most strange part is that it’s Indian CEO Manoj Kumar had already fled to Dubai as per report from Star News.

If you are unaware of this company than here is the brief introduction. Speak Asia Online claims is a survey company which performs the survey on the behalf other bug companies like ICICI, Coke etc. You can join this company for Rs 11,000  and than fill two surveys per week. For each survey you will get Rs. 500 and this Rs. 52,000 per year!

Now decide yourself whether you want to join this company or not. I have many friends which have subscription to this company.Though they have recovered their entire money but from past couple of months they are not getting any paychecks. So it proves that it is a ponzi scheme.

How to use HDFC Netsafe VCC on those merchants which only accepts PayPal as their payment processor?

HDFC Netsafe is boon to thousands of webmasters out there in India who don’t have access to Credit Card mainly due to the fact that getting a Credit Card is a tedious task here in India. Though now a days many banks are offering credit cards against Fixed Deposits (FD) but still many people want to stay away from all the problems that credit cards bring with them. Credit Card is a good thing if used wisely but as you know Indians mostly do Cash based Transaction. They do not require a good credit score like western countries to avail loan facilities. Methods are different here in India and hence the use credit cards is still in its infancy stage.

A best alternative to a physical credit card is a virtual credit card facility which is being offered by most of the Indian Banks free of cost to their basic savings account customers. This VCC works on most of the merchant sites which either use custom payment processors or use PayPal, 2checkout etc as their payment processors. But there is one situation in which if merchants supports payment through PayPal only like Elegant Themes or in other case if you want to send payment to other PayPal user than the use of HDFC netsafe becomes little difficult and risky.

Here is the step by step guide which you can follow to male payments to other PayPal users or to those merchants which accepts only PayPal:

  1. First click the Buy Now or any sort of checkout button at the merchants website.
  2. Than you will be directed to the PayPal page where you will be asked to create a fresh PayPal account or to login into your account. You must already have PayPal account to follow this method. So open PayPal website in a new tab, create a account, verify it with your bank account and come back to the checkout page and Log In.
  3. After Log In PayPal will show a error that there is no credit is attached to the account and will give you a option to attach one now. So attach your HDFC Netsafe VCC now and click make payment button.
  4. After that a confirmation page will come, just confirm the payment and it’s done.

Please note that PayPal uses a some what lagged behind or old Currency Exchange Rate for their transactions. So always make a VCC of approximate amount. Here is the formula to create VCC in case you are paying in US dollars. 

Retail Price + 0.3% of Retail Price + Rs. 20 (For security reasons)