How to call an external function in Team Developer (Gupta Technologies)?

Well I have to say that this is really an obsolete piece of software but for helping others who are still stuck on this SOFTWARE 1 of my friend will be sharing some of the tips and tricks regarding this software.

I will be pasting the code into the text area below and in case you have any doubt, in that case you can get them clarified from him through the comments section below.

Library name: Advapi32.dll

                ThreadSafe: No

                Function: LogonUserA


                                Export Ordinal: 0


                                                Boolean: BOOL


                                                String: HSTRING

                                                String: HSTRING

                                                String: HSTRING

                                                Number: LONG

                                                Number: LONG

                                                Window Handle: HWND

                Function: GetUserNameA


                                Export Ordinal: 0


                                                Boolean: BOOL


                                                String: HSTRING

                                                Number: LONG