GPU Price check Friday

GPU prices are at all time high. Why? Well because of mining. Not the mining of Gold or any other precious minerals. It is because of the mining of virtual cyptocurrency such as bitcoin.

GPU Model MD Computers Prime ABGB AMAZON IT Depot SMC international
MSI GTX 1060 28700 29736 31475 30395 NA

Mozilla to fill the gap, reveals browser named junior for Apple iPad

Mozilla is known for its Firefox which is presently the most popular browser for Windows OS. The only closest competitors to  Firefox is Internet Explorer from Microsoft and Google Chrome. These both competitors have no plans to release their browsers for Apple IOS. But Mozilla had earlier shown some intentions on developing a browser for IOS but were they has never put that plan into real effect.

But recent reports going around the web indicated that Mozilla is developing a web browser name Junior for Apple iPad specifically. They had also said that the presently Apple iPad users only have Apple Safari as the sole web browser which does according to Mozilla does not provide a great browsing experience to end users.

The web browser name Junior will have the following features listed below:

  • Junior will not have any tabs or a URL bar.
  • The browser will display web pages on the full screen mode.
  • Just a swipe towards left on the navigation activates the Do Not Track mode.
  • Only three buttons will be there. Two buttons are for back and forward of web pages and one for accessing bookmarks etc.

These new features really looks interesting but there is no confirmation from Mozilla on when Junior will be launched actually.

How to have a grid layout when extracting data from MYSQL instead of linear layout?

I really want to have this functionality in my upcoming site but as you know i had just learnt PHP and MYSQL, so that’s why i am not a perfect at handling problems related to PHP. As per the regular tutorial available on the internet one can extract data from MYSQL in a linear way but i want to extract in a grid fashion. For this i googled it but haven’t got any meaningful result.

For this use the following code for extraction:


There is only one flaw in the above program that it violates the conditions of the HTML 5 standard which requires all the html tags to be closed with proper closing tags but it cannot be done here. If you have any better solution than please share with us in the comments below.